Thursday, November 12, 2009

peace out, or easy out?

There are a lot of things I don't talk about here.

Not because I'm ashamed of my own thoughts or feelings,

and not because I'm afraid of offending someone.

Quite simply, I keep certain opinion and feelings to myself because I just don't want to have to deal with the fallout from people who, I know, will disagree with me and be combative about it.

Does that make me smart and wise for wanting to keep the peace?

Or does that just make me a big chicken?


Unknown said...

ahhh...the ol' "choose your battle"


I think that makes you just that.

Alisha said...

I can't believe that you would hide your opinions just to avoid combative people. I mean, COME ON!

(That's me being combative. Sometimes there's no avoiding it.)

TacoDave said...

I can't begin to describe the flack I've gotten from friends and family members about things I've posted on my blog.

Most of my high school friends won't speak to me anymore because I talked negatively about Catholicism...

I vote for staying wise and quiet (although I refuse to follow my own advice).

Anonymous said...

Chad would say that holding your opinions is somewhat cowardly, simply because it is the path of least resistence. But I think that dealing with fallout is harder than holding your tongue. Good luck with this!
