Tuesday, July 14, 2009

two items of ridiculousness

1. Cellulite.
There is absolutely no logical reason why my thighs are not as muscular as my calves. Not that my calves are entirely free of fat, but they're doing a lot better than what's above them. There is no logical reason for this. Cellulite is a cosmic joke on women. Gah.

2. Journalists who don't know what subject-verb agreement are.
Error intentional. 'Nuff said.

P.S. I have had a severe case of writer's block over the last ten days. This does not swing my verge in the least. I'm going to do something about it today. When I figure out what that something is, I'll let you know. ;o)


Aaron Pogue said...

Four hours in a software training course did the job for me. After two weeks of nothing, I got a thousand words written in the time I spent ahead of the rest of the class, which just goes to reinforce my theory that involuntary confinement is the key to putting words on paper.

So...have you considered breaking some laws? Pick something minor, so it's only a few days in the clink. Just enough to get going again....

thegermanygirl said...

We've probably already discussed this, but I'm going to reiterate; There is definitely something productivity-enhancing about a time crunch when it comes to writing. The less time I have, the more the words come pouring out. Baty talks about this in his NaNo book, and I think he's right. This is the price I pay for writing full-time.