Saturday, December 09, 2006

another late-night random thought

Yes, I'm up late again. But this time, it's for a semi-legit reason: I have to let my stomach settle from Indian food before I can go to sleep. If I lie down now, I'll be up again in three hours anyway. So there ya have it.

In the meantime, a random thought inspired by late-night blog-reading:

I am increasingly shocked and disturbed at how a lot of Christians speak. Specifically, I'm increasingly shocked and disturbed at the words a lot of Christians use in their online communications. I am generalizing, but..... It almost seems as though many of today's Christians shut off all linguistic filters when posting things online (blogs or comments, or in chatrooms, or whatever).

In so many "Christian" blogs or websites or whatever, it's d--- this and f---that and s--- yeah and so on. I'm sure I don't have to spell it out. Forgive me for my "old-fashioned," "antiquated," "intolerant," "judgmental" sense of propriety--but this simply shocks me.

Do they really use this kind of language in everyday life? Or do they just think moral governors don't apply to online communications because those are so much more "anonymous"?

Am I so naive that I don't realize that there are so many Christians who speak this way? Has this become normal?

What about Colossians 3:8-9? Or Ephesians 4:29? Or the numerous other scriptures that deal with the words that should or shouldn't come from a Christian's mouth?

Does Matthew 12:36-37 have no bearing here?

I do not intend for these to be rhetorical questions. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I've been mulling this over ever since I read it. In my experience, the people who use such words in their blogs often use them out loud in real life--maybe not in front of their more 'conservative' friends, but certainly in 'normal' conversation.

I agree--it's wrong. And it's so pervasive (through popular culture and my own lack of filtering) that I find it in my own thoughts and speech when I am extremely frustrated.

I've known people that make the case for "if it's not profaning God, it's okay to say it--it's just a word to express my thoughts". I know it sounds constricting, but I don't think we always have the freedom to express ourselves when it's born out of emotion. There are plenty of "controlling your tongue" verses...and they're not just about profanity, but about everything that you say. It's a sign of maturity to not respond with the words on the tip of your tongue.

Yet I seem to be in the minority with this opinion. It seems incredible the things we can become desensitized about.

thegermanygirl said...

Well, then I'm very much in that minority with you, Patricia! When I hear someone say "it's just a word to express my thoughts," then what I hear that person really saying is, "I'm too lazy/proud/immature to exercise any self-discipline or self-control."

It's nothing more than one of those excuses we humans use to justify continuing to do whatever we want to do. It's an excuse so that the person doesn't have to make the effort of growing, maturing, and swimming against the cultural current.

Some wise person once said, "Only dead fish swim with the current."

I'll admit, too, though, that I often find vulgar language in my own head, and it takes an effort not to let it slip out. It's something I've been working on for a good fifteen years, and I'll probably be working the rest of my life on getting those words out of my thoughts.

Thanks for responding to this, Patricia! I really appreciate hearing others' thoughts on the things I write. It gets discouraging when I write something that's meaningful to me, and then no one replies to it.

I appreciate the exchange of thoughts, so big hugs and thanks to you! :o)

April said...

I have to say that I have also had the same thoughts recently. As I have seen blogs/myspace/etc. and seen these so-called Christian's pages with all kinds of profanity I am disgusted by the hypocrisy.

thegermanygirl said...

Me, too. I try to keep in mind that I, too, am hypocritical about a great many more things than I probably realize.....but words are such powerful things and can set such tremendous examples for good or bad! I think in general, none of us realize what strong weapons we have in our "simple" words.