Wednesday, September 19, 2007

today is Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Ahoy, mateys! Just wanted to point out briefly that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day (TLAPD)! Follow the link if you wanna know more.

In the meantime, this sinus infection is keepn' me shivers timbered....or me timbers shivered.....or somesuch. But it's not too bad this time--I'm on antibiotics, and I still feel human. Arrrrrr!

I hope you scurvy bilge rats are haulin' your bunts well up today!


Anonymous said...

what on earth is a bunt? Or was that a typo?

thegermanygirl said...

Not a typo, but I don't remember what a bunt is, either? I knew it when I wrote it, but have since forgotten it. Ah well, perhaps I'll look it up when the next TLAPD rolls around!