Saturday, October 27, 2007

echoes from the randomness

A Brief History of the Life and Times of the Winsome Wench in Her Weirdness...

I wouldn't say that Ed and I were desperate up until Monday morning. Yes, we were very, very busy, and yes, we had no downtime, and yes, we were rather concerned that we wouldn't have time to get it all done...... But all things considered, I don't think we were desperate. I'd say we weren't even frantic. We were just very, very busy. And tired. Did I mention tired?

But when you compare International Moving Adventure 2007 with International Moving Adventure 2001, the 2007 version is going much more smoothly. In 2001, when we moved to Chemnitz, we had no clue what we were doing. The night before the movers came, we stayed up working in the apartment until 3 a.m. This time, we were in bed at midnight the night before the movers came. Some might think that a 3 hour difference does not great progress show (thank you, Yoda)... But in 2001, we also had an entire room marked "Do Not Enter" while the movers were working, a large room full of stuff that we had to get rid of after they left. This time, in 2007, we had only about half of a medium-sized room of leftovers. Plus, this time, there's our general feeling of preparedness resulting from having started this process 8 months before the move instead of 6 weeks before. ;o)

Anyway....Monday morning, the movers arrived, brought their packing materials upstairs, built some cardboard boxes, and started packing. And suddenly, Ed and I had nothing to do. We weren't allowed to help them pack, because the insurance only covers our belongings if the movers are the ones who packed the boxes. There was nothing more to organize, nothing more to sort, nothing more to throw out. All we could do was sit and watch as these five strangers entered our space, went through our things, put all our things in boxes, and took them away.

I was tired. I was relieved that I didn't have to pack it all myself. I was excited. I was sad. I was amused by the banter of the men as they worked. I was nervous when one dude started packing up my oil paintings. I hovered and made him nervous, so I forced myself to go sit in the living room and let the poor man do his job. I was glad that we were finally getting this step of the process out of the way. I was numb from the back-and-forth motion of this emotional roller coaster.

Tuesday afternoon, when they started taking the last of the boxes downstairs and packing them into the 20-foot container, I thought I was going to cry. We finished up paperwork, tipped the guys, and watched as they drove away. They honked and waved, and we laughed. Then we went back upstairs. I looked around the emptiness of our apartment, and all I wanted to do was get out of there. It didn't feel like home anymore. Later that evening, when we were coming home from Tuesday night Bible study, I started to cry because we couldn't go home and I felt homesick, and all I wanted to do was go home.

Have I mentioned the emotional roller coaster?

The last few days have been more of the same, but much less intense. In Germany, renters are required to paint the apartment before they move out, so we've been working on getting that started. Today was the first real work day, and thanks to multiple helping hands, the stairwell is clean, and three rooms are completely finished. Three down, three to go. The best part is that our landlady intends to have all the carpets but one ripped out, so we only have to worry about protecting the one. We can smear paint all over the rest, which speeds up our work considerably. Yay for practicality.

Since Monday, we've been living over at Karen's (aka KarenCamp). It feels funny to "come home" over here now instead of to our own apartment. Pippin seems to be adjusting well, although she's having difficulty with the Stay Off the Table Rule. She's really enjoying the ground-floor windows. For her sake, it would be nice if we could find a ground-floor place in Oklahoma City. But that's another story for a future time.

I think I've rambled on enough for now. In short, we're busy, we're tired, we're of very mixed emotions, we're enjoying the "last times" we're spending with various people. All of this, of course, is reinforcing in me the knowledge and the sense that I am truly at home nowhere on this earth. My citizenship, my allegiance, my home is heaven. Perhaps God has led me to this rootless, often-moving, TCK life because he knows that I need it; perhaps I need it so that I will know where my true refuge and sanctuary and comfort is.

Check out 2. Corinthians 4:18 and Philippians 3:20. God says it better than I can.


Alisha said...

When the movers came to our house, I think I sat on the stairs most of the morning watching them pack -- partially because I wanted to stay out of the way and partially because we had moved everything downstairs that we wanted packed. Somehow, some stuff from a closet upstairs ended up getting packed.

If you're not sure where you're going to move in the OKC area, I recommend checking out the Paseo and Mesta Park area. Brian and I rented a duplex right on the edge of Mesta Park and we loved it. It was considerably cheaper than our apartment closer to Edmond and we had a backyard (that someone else cared for) and more room than the apartment. And the neighborhood had such character. I miss that place!

Anonymous said...


thanks for sharing your thoughts, I feel so *honored* that you took the time amidst all this transition to write some of it down. I'm sorry I can't be there (right at this moment, actually-!) for your party, but I'm thinking of you guys and look forward to future blogs and more of life through Courtney's eyes. love you guys!

Patricia said...

Congratulations on your accomplishment! And thanks for getting "This World is Not My Home" stuck in my head so early this morning. :P

amy nickerson said...

You guys are very much in my prayers. And there are many more in the Singles group at Quail praying for you as well. I think it's good that you're writing it all down and sharing it with people. It shows others that it's okay to have these mixed emotions like you're having. I am very eager to see you all soon but I pray your hearts are comforted during this major transition. Love you!!!

thegermanygirl said...

Alisha: As we unpacked over here, I identified a whole slew of items that weren't supposed to come with us, including a large and obvious office chair and a bunch of empty rolls of packing tape that the movers apparently didn't want to be bothered with throwing away.

I do enjoy the Paseo district very much! We're not at a point yet at which we could afford to live there, but perhaps that will change in the future. I definitely wouldn't mind living smack dab in the middle of all that artsiness! ;o)

Allison: If my thoughts can be of some use to someone else, then I'm pleased. Truthfully, though, I would post them even if I thought nobody read them. It's therapeutic--and I definitely need that kind of therapy! ;o) But I'm very glad that what I say resonates with you and others. I love you too!

Patricia: Thank you, and you're welcome. One is glad to be of service. *grin*

Amy: I never did ask you to thank your class for those prayers. I'm sorry for that. It really did help, though, to know that even people we'd never met were praying for us. That was immensely encouraging!
And I'm so glad we've gotten to spend time together since Ed and I arrived! We need to do that again soon. I love you too!