Tuesday, July 14, 2009

for my fellow fantasy enthusiasts**

What do you expect from outlaws in your fantasy reads?

What's your favorite thing about outlaws?

What's your least favorite thing?

What do you consider cliche* about them?

Maybe you consider outlaws-in-fantasy to be cliche altogether, I don't know. ;o)

Whatever, just let me know what you think!

*Please forgive the lack of correctly accented 'e's.

**Addendum: Although I am interested in feedback from all of you, my faithful readers ;o) and though I do appreciate my fellow ladies' opinions, I am particularly interested in hearing about these things from the guys' perspective. So, gentlemen, speak up, please! I need to hear how you view this aspect of the fantasy world! :o)


Unknown said...

Although I fully and forever forgive your use of the unaccented e in cliché, following are some extras for your convenience to cut and paste into your text thus removing the embarrassment of accentless spellings. If you need more, just let me know, I've got plenty. No thanks necessary, I'm just doing what any friend would do.

é é é é é é é é

thegermanygirl said...

And you know, there have been a couple of times since then that I have been in need on an é ( <-- such as now), and the convenience of my own private é-stash has been wholly gratifying. Brian, you are a true friend, and I thank you.