Saturday, March 20, 2010

book comments 25

"Cell" by Stephen King
--story of what would happen if Somebody (terrorists? aliens? kids too smart for their own good--and everybody else's?) hijacked cell phone systems and sent out a signal that drives any listener crazy instantly
--also the story of a father desperate to find his son in the midst of civilization's collapse
--fast-paced, freaky, unnerving
--made me look askance at my cell phone quite a few times
--recommend to King/horror fans

"The Shack" by William P. Young
--story of Mack, whose young daughter is murdered...and four years later, he gets a note from God, inviting him to visit the site of her death for a weekend
--turns the traditional view of God upside down
--questions everything we think we know about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
In my opinion, everyone should read this book. And I mean *everyone*, no matter what your beliefs about God and afterlife and currentlife. This novel dares to address the questions: Why do pain and suffering exist? Why does God let bad things happen to good people? Everyone asks these very valid questions at some point. This book doesn't claim to have all the answers...but it offers a perspective you won't get from the majority of Answerers in this world.
--highly recommend

"Watchmen" by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
--graphic novel about what the world would be like if superheroes and their evil counterparts had really existed in different decades during the 20th century
--great art, gripping plot, gruesome bad guys
--lots of complex characterization in this one
I am eagerly anticipating getting my hands on the movie now!
--highly recommend to graphic novel and sci-fi fans

"Blaze" by Richard Bachman
--story of a conman, brain-damaged by an abusive father, who tries one last big caper on his own after his clever partner dies
--heart-rending backstory shows how easy it is for a human being to fall into criminal life if he receives no compassion from others
--delicious hints of the SK-like paranormal throughout

2010 Book Count To-Date: 12.


NHRon said...

Richard Bachman is Stephen King, that is one of his old pseudonyms.

Chey said...

I hope you won't be disappointed with Watchmen, C. James and I agreed whole-heartedly that we wished we hadn't wasted 2 hours of our lives watching that movie. Ughhhh! But I will let you make your own decision! :0)

thegermanygirl said...

Yeah, I knew that. Just wanted to treat the book/novel as separate from King, since he himself did when he wrote it. :o)

Aww, really? Hmmm.... Well, I still haven't seen it, so I'll let you know what I think after I finally watch it! But it's my kind of genre, so I might be a bit favorably biased going into it. ;o)