Friday, November 30, 2007

tonight i cried at buy for less

Tonight, I had my first intense moment of homesickness since we arrived here three weeks ago.

Ed and I went grocery shopping at Buy For Less after eating dinner at Zorba's. Zorba's is Greek fast food, and the homesicknessfeeling started while we were there, because I started thinking of Palas Athen, our favorite Greek place in Chemnitz, where we've spent so many wonderful hours and had so many great laughs (not to mention spectacular food!!!) with great friends and with the jovial owner. Zorba's, with its hectic atmosphere and high-decibel noise level, didn't exactly measure up to what we're used to. (The food was good, but their idea of gyros isn't what we've gotten to know at Palas Athen, either. However, we're remaining open enough to give Zorba's another chance. We'll just have to put our minds in a different gear beforehand. Or would that be 'beforefood'? ;o)

Anyway, by the time we got to Buy For Less, I was already feeling somewhat melancholy from missing Palas Athen and the fun times we've had there--and especially the people we had those times with (you know who you are). Then, at Buy For Less, Ed ducked into the bathroom for a few minutes, and I found myself in the foreign/specialty foods aisle.

And suddenly, I saw it: German food.

Buy For Less has Klöße. And Rotkraut. And Sauerkraut. And Rittersport and Lindt! And Spätzle! And Semmelknödel! And Bratkartoffeln! And Gurken pickled in Thüringen! And Buy For Less even has pickled herring, which I absolutely despise, but it's a staple of Saxon kitchens, and it all reminded me so much of home that I suddenly found myself standing in the middle of Buy For Less, crying and thinking that I probably looked absolutely ridiculous but not caring whether or not I looked ridiculous, and then Ed came back and just hugged me, and I took him to see the German food, and slowly I started to feel okay again.

Oh, and Ed and I also spent the evening speaking German with each other, and that probably added to the sudden burst of homesickfeelingyness as well.

I think what helps is that I knew this was coming. It had to happen at some point, and I'm kind of relieved that it happened. It needs to happen--and it will happen again and again for awhile--so that I can acknowledge my feelings, accept them, and move on.

Coolly enough, Buy For Less also has Twinings (Erin!) and PG Tips (Ed!) and Branston Pickle (Boynses!). And Turkish Delight, which I don't eat, but I still think it's keen that they have it!

*sigh* I probably don't sound like it, but I do feel better now. :o)


Patricia said...

*blinks* Best Buy has food? Foreign food at that?! It's been a long time since I've been to a Best Buy, I guess...

And yes, being homesick would have been totally understandable.

thegermanygirl said...

LOL Silly me! No, Best Buy doesn't have food (as far as I know), but Buy For Less does! I've edited my errors out of my thanks for the confused blinking, Patricia, or I wouldn't have caught it! ;oD

Patricia said...

LOL, I wondered! I even asked Bec today if I'd just missed out on this phenomenon.

Of course, I've never heard of Buy for Less, so I'm not really any more enlightened, but I'll take your word that it's actually a place that sells food and not electronics. ;)

Valerie said...

Aw man, did you have to mention Zorba's? I miss it. We have zero Greek food here.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the cryin'! I'll probably be in your shoes one day, so I'll have to watch out for the buy for less foreign foods aisle:-)
Gotta tell you, though, I don't think I'll be cryin' over the Klösse (or the Knödel)...

Anonymous said...

Home or not, at least there's little pieces of "home" at home. Kopierst du?? :O) Hang in there, I promise it does get better!!! Been there and done it!! love ya, Frau

thegermanygirl said...

Patricia: What's really silly is that since that post up there, I have made the Best Buy / Buy For Less error multiple times! Since neither store has been a staple with me--ever--my culture-shocked brain has decided that the names are one and the same. *sigh* I need to learn to compartmentalize better. At least in this situation. ;o)

Val: Sorry about that. I understand missing foods, though! I miss our Turkish place in downtown Chemnitz!

Bri: But will you be crying over Spanferkel? ;oD ...And yes, one day, you will probably be in those shoes as well. And I'll be there for you with a most definitely sympathetic ear and shoulder!

Frau: Yes, the "little pieces" do make it easier. I am so glad we shippped most of our stuff over here. I know I'm being materialistic, but it does help me feel at home to walk into our apartment and see all of "our" German things.
I love you too!