Wednesday, February 04, 2009

oh, and in case you were wondering

That hour of step aerobics I did on Monday?

Yeah, I have been in agony since yesterday around 9am. Jennifer and I went running at 7:30 yesterday morning, and I'd hoped that would be enough to work out the major sorenesses before they made their appearance.

Um. So, that didn't work at all.

Stairs were like an obstacle course yesterday.

Today, I spent most of my time shuffling around like an old woman because I couldn't straighten my legs. The BACKS OF MY KNEES hurt.

Why the backs of my knees? What normal person has muscle soreness in the backs of their KNEES, I ask you?

And no, DON'T answer that question, because I KNOW that the backs of my knees have been out of shape for most of my life, and intellectually I accept this, but I am trying to have a good rant here, so don't get in my way, dig?


Thank you.

I feel much better now.

Actually, painful and walk-inhibiting though it is, I have been enjoying the physical proof that I did some pretty intensive exercise.

I am already excited about next Monday's aerobics class. :o)


Unknown said...


I love reading Courtney's thoughts!

and the other day the inside of my right elbow hurt when I'd extend it...and I couldn't figure out how to fix it being that I could only extend it so far and that's when it hurt (as in nowhere to go to "stretch it out"). hmmm... (ps, it's better now!)

thegermanygirl said...

Yay! Thanks, Al!

And yes, it's very odd what all our joints and tendons and ligaments decide to do to us sometimes. I know God knew what he was doing, but he sure put us together funny. ;o)