Friday, February 13, 2009

typing woes

My computer does a weird thing when I write comments on people's Facebook pages: As I type, the words take a loooooooong time to appear on the screen, and they appear one slow letter at a time. So, as I'm typing away, I can't see what I'm actually writing until the computer catches up to my fingers. This has some odd results, including the following tidbit:

themv lnbt uIdknwhow to g bolengtkin ovunerbindincy argeale...

I don't even know what I was trying to say!


Alisha said...

That's so strange that it's just in Facebook. I once accidentally pressed some weird combination of keys and suddenly my text was added from right to left. (When I typed a letter, it was added to the left of the previous letter instead of to the right.) I never figured it out, but when I restarted my browser (or computer?) it was back to normal.

thegermanygirl said...

Now that is definitely weird. But could make for some really fun-to-read emails and blopgosts! ;o)