Please turn your attention over here and enter the realm of the apartment-indigenous feline. This is Ripley's room, in which she generously allows us to do our showering and grooming and so forth. Today we had our first major mishap with the fern beneath the window. (Yes, Kendra, it's the Love Fern!!!) ;o) I don't know just what the cat did, but the fern ended up on its side and there was dirt everywhere. Ripley and I had a bit of an altercation over it.

It's Kendra... :)
I'm so glad that the Love Fern is still alive and kicking (I wish it would come alive and kick... that would be fun, maybe it would kick Ripley for kicking it... boy would I like to see that).
I miss you, one. I'm not whole without you and the other one. She's here, but yet she's not. When will we be one again? Are you coming this fall sometime? You should... we need to go to TX together.(IF you know what I mean...)
Don't forget about me or disown me, because I'm a club girl now. :)
Disown you? How could I disown you, one? I imagine that would be rather painful for both of us. ;o) Not to mention that the Love Fern would suffer! We cannot let the Love Fern suffer! Must protect Love Fern, must protect Love Fern, must protect...
I hope we can all be one again this fall, but nothing is definite yet. I'll keep you posted, though. Btw, congrats on the whole driver's license receiving. I hear you're enjoying April's car. ;o)
We should email sometime, one. I feel the lack most keenly. Perhaps a chatroom with the other one wouldn't be entirely inappropriate. ;o)
hullo again one,
It's me... :) I miss hearing your dreams live & in person. If you can remember it you should post the one about me being your surrogate mother, that was my favorite. :-D
Hey, ... take care of my mummy would you? She's sick and I'm not there. Take her some tea or something.
Tell Ed there aren't any cute bookstore guys anymore. :)
I haven't watched Xfiles in FOREVER!
Miss you!
Hey again one!
Per your request, Dream #14 is now posted. See above. It's the first of my infamous pregnancy dreams to make the blogging scene, so we'll see what kind of comments it elicits. ;o)
Sorry about the lack of cuteness in the current bookstore guys. I'll ask Ed if he can do something about that. Maybe he can put in a special order. ;o)
I had tea with your Mummy today, while she and I talked about Filzmoos stuff. I think I'm ready to be done with Filzmoos stuff. Your Mummy was definitely not feeling well :o( but I was comfortingly empathetic.
You should've seen this week's X-Files episode. It was the fat-sucking one, and we all nearly puked. It was great. ;o)
TTFN, one! I love you!
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