To conclude our tour, and just for fun, let's venture into the depths of the office-computer-lab-catch-all, emerging on the other side in Courtney's art studio. Here you see what's been my work-in-progress since May. When I finally finish it, I'll blog an entry of it. Working title of this piece is "Soldier's Dream: Sweet Desert Rose."

Well, that's the end of our tour. I hope you've enjoyed it. If you lagged behind at some point and found yourself taking a rest on one of the comfy couches in the livingroom, I don't blame you. ;o) If you've made it this far with me, then I salute you and dub thee Longsuffering And Persistent, and I thank thee for thy bountiful patience. You get a cookie. ;o) Stay tuned for future broadcasts featuring The Kitchen and The Nefarious Realms of Attic-dom!
It's great to get to see your place! Is it just me, or do the rooms seem rather long and narrow? Maybe I'm just too used to my square place. Great news..I have my own computer finally!! The painting looks interesting...that picture doesn't give me nearly a good enough view of it. I want details! :)
I enjoyed your tour, Courtney, even though I've taken it many times *live and in person.*
Did you know I was thinking of the same thing for the walls in our living room? Which is funny since we have the same couch :-)
Tell Ripley to shape up and fly (climb) right, or Randy's comin' over!!!
where's my cookie? i'm hungry!
Yay Patricia! I bid thee welcome to the ever-mysterious world of Computer Ownership. Nothing about your reality will ever be the same again. ;o)
Some of our rooms do, indeed, fit the long-and-narrow nomenclature. The bathroom is shaped more like a hallway, while the office bears the pseudonym “bowling alley” because it’s shaped like a bowling lane. This apartment was renovated shortly after the Wall fell, and we suspect the renovators (?) knocked out some walls and built others that gave the apartment a really odd floor plan. The actual hallway is large enough to be a room of its own.
We just live in a very odd place. Go figure. ;o)
P.S. Expect a more detailed picture of the painting in your email inbox soon! :o)
No, Bri, I didn’t know that you had plans for your livingroom, too. One of us should take the plunge first, that way the other one can see what works best with our couch. ;o) However, in all fairness, I should pledge myself to working on your nursery before I do anything else! So maybe that means you’ll have to be the brave one and go for the livingroom first. ;o)
(Yeah, I’m a big chicken.)
And last, but never least….
*hands mkj a cookie* Don’t fret, dearie. See? It’s got nice gooey chocolate chips in the middle. In fact, you don’t have to limit yourself to one. Here, have the whole plateful as a token of my loving esteem. ;o)
Courtney and Eddie,
It's nice to see some pics of where you live finally! This must be the first time I've ever seen what your apartment looks like. It looks really good and you've done a great job decorating! The picture of Eddie and Clint surprised me very little, on the computer and oblivious to all that was going on around them. Hope you're all doing well!
love you, Nerd City!! :O)
Well, N.C., now that you're here, you can watch the boyish oblivion in person to your heart's content! ;o)
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