Sunday, February 04, 2007

something for my Faithful Reader(s?) to do

When a girl spends half her week working on a Teacher's Guide to a series of simple English Bible lessons she's written, her brain tends to be filled with language exercises--even during moments when she's not crafting away at the aforementioned Teacher's Guide. 

That said, I give you the following linguistic practice text. Take your time on it; try not to get frustrated; and, above all, remember to have fun

Fill in the blanks in the text below, using the following words in the correct order: mating rituals 
sinuses......interested......under......fellowship......voodoo doll 

One evening, Courtney _______ sitting at home _________ self-quarantine. Courtney was ______________, because her stupid ___________ seemed to be getting infected _________. She was also sad, since several of her ___________, as well as her ______________ Ed, were getting together to watch the _______________. Although Courtney wasn't any more ____________ in football than she was in the minutiae of ____________ _____________ _____________, she had still been _________ forward to the evening of _______ and ____________. Frankly, she was beginning to wonder if someone, somewhere, was in possession of a little Courtney-shaped __________ _____ and was constantly jabbing the area of the doll's sinus cavities with especially sharp ___________. *________* 

Answers available upon request. ;o)


Patricia said...

Would that be the thorn in Maybe the rhino should be your totem animal--isn't that even a Latin prefix for the nasal area? Yep, what you need is a big ol' stuffed rhino (pun intended) to either cuddle with on lonely nights or throw against the wall to oust the evil germs!

thegermanygirl said...

Nic pun, indeed. I am suitably impressed. ;o)

Thanks for the rhino idea, Patricia! I like it! I think I would end up beating the stuffing out of the poor thing, though. It would come into contact with the wall too much. ;o)

Anonymous said...

That's right, make the readers work for the right to read the blog post!!!
Just kidding. That was refreshingly original :)

thegermanygirl said...

Ooh, I do so enjoy being called 'refreshingly original'! Thanks, Bri! ;o) Glad I could send some random amusement into your day. :o)

April said...

I'm sorry you were too sick to join us for the Superbowl party. If it makes you feel better, Allison and I slept through about half of it, if not more. :)

thegermanygirl said...

I'm sorry, too, April! At least I could've dozed along with the two of you! ;o)