Thursday, June 12, 2008

p.s. a novel update


I mentioned this on my Facebook status yesterday (as though Facebook had so Terribly Important A Significance in the Grand Scheme of Things), but thought I should record it here as well:

Yesterday (having been Wednesday), I finished Chapter 31.

The following, however, has not yet graced a Facebook status line:

Today (having been, and still being, Thursday), I wrote the climax to my novel.

As in, the big bang that happens when all the threads and action finally come together and some people die and some people live and a bunch of bad guys get killed off and the heroine has a this-is-seriously-going-to-mess-up-or-totally-fix-my-life kind of moment. As in, pretty much everything that has happened previously has been Leading Up To This Moment, which makes it a fairly significant moment in the Grand Scheme of Novelizing Things.

Not to give away any of the good parts, but there was also the incident of someone's face getting melted off. Don't worry, it was one of the bad guys. I kind of enjoyed writing that part, especially because I didn't know it was going to happen before it happened.

Ooh, ooh, and there was a major time paradox, too! Kind of like the one Doc warns Marty about. Things exploded. A good time was had by all.

Well, not by some of the characters. The ones involved in the explosion.

I liked it.

Ooh, and when I wrote the part with the heroine and her sister, I made myself cry. That doesn't happen very often. It was emotionally very draining. But cathartic, in a weird sort of way, especially because I don't have a sister.

As you might be able to tell, all this has me as excited as a five-year-old on purple crack.

Writing swings my verge. It really does.


Unknown said...

verge1 (vûrj)
The extreme edge or margin; a border. See synonyms at border.

An enclosing boundary.
The space enclosed by such a boundary.
The point beyond which an action, state, or condition is likely to begin or occur; the brink: on the verge of tears; a nation on the verge of economic prosperity.
Architecture. The edge of the tiling that projects over a roof gable.
Chiefly British. The shoulder of a road.
A rod, wand, or staff carried as an emblem of authority or office.
Obsolete. The rod held by a feudal tenant while swearing fealty to a lord.
The spindle of a balance wheel in a clock or watch, especially such a spindle in a clock with vertical escapement.
The male organ of copulation in certain invertebrates.
intr.v., verged, verg·ing, verg·es.
To approach the nature or condition of something specified; come close. Used with on: a brilliance verging on genius.
To be on the edge or border: Her land verges on the neighboring township.
[Middle English, from Old French, rod, ring, from Latin virga, rod, strip.]

Can you tell me what "swinging your verge" is? I can't make it fit with my understanding of "verge"

Brian Middleton

thegermanygirl said...

Hee hee, I love the definitions...they put the phrase in many different and interesting contexts. I have an image of myself standing on the brink of a roof, swinging a rod over my head, threatening feudal tenants with it. ;oD

If you check out this post, you'll find the origin of "swinging the verge." It had to do with an online translator and too much coffee, I believe. ;o)