This, friends and neighbors, is why Courtney generally stays out of the kitchen. Bad things happen. Sometimes, things break. Sometimes, she gets things to catch on fire that aren’t supposed to be flambĂ©ed. Sometimes, she hurts herself. This is why she leaves the cooking to Ed: because while in the kitchen, she doesn’t pay enough attention to be trusted with sharp objects.
It was really my own fault, because I got a bit too enthusiastic with the slicer. I’m fortunate that I didn’t do more damage; that thing is razor-sharp. I trust Larry when he says I don’t need stitches (not that there’s enough left to stitch together, anyway)…but this sure does hurt. Even under pressure, it took two hours to stop bleeding, and then I made it start again when I put a bandage on it before going to bed.
And it’s on my right hand, which means that I’m now slightly impaired. I brushed my teeth with my left hand this morning, I can’t shower properly, and right now I’m having to hunt-and-peck a great deal more than I usually do when typing. And it’s my middle finger, too, so when I’m holding my hand up in order to make the throbbing stop, I have to be careful not to flip everybody off.
*sigh* So many cookbooks, so little skill. Just call me “The Girl Who Could Ruin Cereal.” ;o)
It's no big deal Courtney. You've 9 more so I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if I were you.
Matt, I knew I could count on you for the sound advice I needed in order to get my head out of the clouds and my feet firmly on solid ground. Thanks for the reality check. ;o)
Nine more, so she's okay, is that it, Matt?? Gimme a break, she's maimed for life! Ed isn't gonna want her anymore for sure and so pretty soon she'll be a divorced nine-fingered old spinster whose only consolation will be that she can now relate personally to Frodo's predicament in the Return of the King.
On the upside, though, I'll be sure to write a song about "Nine Fingered Courtney and the Slicer of Doom" which will shoot to the top of the charts, I'm sure...:-)
Heya Courtney- I feel your pain. I've made julien fingers more times than I can count! Try crazy glue to seal that thing up- much easier than a bandaid!
Do try to be careful!
Bri: Why can't I come up with something witty like that? ;o) You provided my laugh for the day--I was definitely "tickled," as they say. ;o) I'll be looking forward to a live performance of your composition!
Valerie: Thanks for the visit and the empathy! Believe me, the slicer and I will be redfining our relationship to something a little less hazardous. ;o)
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