Saturday, July 07, 2007

weird...just weird

So sometimes, as I'm getting ready to "close up shop" at the end of the day (i.e. shut down the computer, because the last thing I usually do before getting ready for bed is check email), a peculiar feeling creeps up on me. It's one that seems to be of the melancholy variety...but it's always coupled with this sense of anticipation. I feel melancholy and almost as though I need to stay online *just a few more minutes* because I'm waiting for something. And then I find myself piddling around the Internet, looking at blogs and other similar sites and wondering about people.

I dunno. It's just weird. If you know me at all, you know that I don't like to read too much into feelings; meaning that I don't believe that just because I'm experiencing a certain emotion, it means that some cosmic event is afoot. I don't know why I get this weird feeling sometimes, but I won't claim it's because I have some kind of spiritual extra-sensory perception that something momentous is imminent.

Maybe I'm subconsciously hoping for something I know won't happen.

Or maybe I'm just tired.

Or maybe I'm just losing my mind. ;o)

1 comment:

Aaron Pogue said...

Aww man! In the last couple weeks I've ready every post from the first to this one, and frequently I had a comment but always thought, "No, no, I'm not going to comment on a thousand-year-old post. I'll just save that thought and send an email when I'm done."

And yet here I am, commenting mid-stream, and having lost all those earlier opportunities to do so I make a waste of them by this action.

Still, I had to say it.

"Me too."