Friday, July 16, 2004

Dreams shmeams

Well, since it seems that a blog post may be about anything, I’m going to plod on in my developing theme of Extreme Randomness and post two excerpts from my dream journal. 
I have always had extraordinarily vivid dreams—even when I was three or five years old, I was already having dreams of such detail that I can still remember them today.  I always dream in color.  Often, I am someone else in my dreams, experiencing the dream events from another person’s point of view.  Since I speak English and German fluently, I dream in both languages (English more than German, though.  Once, I even dreamed in French, though after waking, I had no comprehension of what I’d dreamed about.)  Sleepwalks have occurred, but only rarely—as far as I know!  ;o)  However, I talk, cry, laugh, and flail about on a regular basis while I’m asleep.
My husband Ed says that I have a big IMAX movie theater in my head at night, while all he has is a big, empty warehouse.  ;o)  But I think he gets the more restful sleep!
Almost three years ago, I began writing down my dreams as I remember them.  I give them a date, a number, and a title.  To date, I’ve recorded almost 70 distinct dreams. Of course, I’ve had many more than that during the last three years….but I record only the ones I remember well.  (The Duke claims this is a waste of time, but I say it’s an amusing, entertaining, and personally illuminating pastime.)  ;o) 
 The following two posts are excerpts from my dream journal.  Please don’t think I’m completely crazy.  (Only judgments of partial insanity, please.)  ;o)  Feedback is more than welcome.

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