Sunday, December 11, 2005

some random pictures

A few recent pics to share, for no particular reason:

Three turkeys that were gobbling around at Thanksgiving. ;o)

My date for Thanksgiving. ;oP

Amy, you'll appreciate this one. On Saturday morning, we bought Pippin a new toy: a plastic stick with a string and a blue, feathered mouse attached. We affectionately started calling it "the birdmouse toy." Here's what we discovered when we came home last night:

Pippin's motto: Death to Birdmice!!! LOL


amy nickerson said...

WOW! She already destroyed that thing! And to think, she played with it so much only to tear it apart. What a crazy cat!

thegermanygirl said...

I know! I'm gonna get her another one, since it was so cheap....and I plan to hide it from her when she's unsupervised! ;o)