Images from December 31, 2005! In the final hours of 2005 (CET), a bunch of us gathered at the church building for a Chili Cook-Off (April won! Pam placed 2nd, and Frau & Ed tied for 3rd), games, fireworks, and general crazy fun. Click the pics for larger images!
Chowin' down! My chili didn't place in the contest....BUT I ACTUALLY MADE CHILI! FOR THE FIRST TIME! Yay me. ;o)
Clint during our "Win, Lose or Draw," mocking someone who shall remain nameless. ;o)
Conny and Jennifer being cute!
Ed and Frau "get a clue." LOL
The church grounds didn't look the same after Ed, Clint, and Larry had finished off their stash of fireworks. ;o)
Ed enjoying pyromania. Interpretive New Year's Dance by April and Marion.
Sparkly girls!
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