Monday, January 23, 2006

oh, grossenheimer! or: the joy of pets

Long story short: While Ed and I were visiting Jan in the hospital this evening, Pippin puked on the hall carpet at home. So naturally, when we arrived at home, I proceeded to step in said puke not only with my boots but also with two DIFFERENT pairs of socks before realizing what she had done, what I had done, and why there were damp spots everywhere I walked.

Do I need to comment further on this? No. No, I don't believe that I do.



Mgam said...

Please comment further on this....

thegermanygirl said...

Umm.....all I have left to say is that it totally grossed me out. Yeah....I guess that's about it. If you want to know more, you'll have to be more specific in your requests, Matt. I don't read minds, y'know.

Paul said...

It could have been worse, cous. The white cat at the house used to hate my guts. She would find any clothing article of mine on the floor and urinate on it. Be nice to your cats...they know where you sleep!

thegermanygirl said...

Yeah, we dealt with the urinating issue with Ripley. It was her favorite way of expressing herself. I guess you could say she was an artist who used pee as her medium.
Gross! LOL
Fortunately, she never used the bed or our clothing as her canvas.