Friday, February 24, 2006

just a random thought that popped into my head while i was doing housework

You'll never be more alive than you are right now. A day from now, you'll be older. Your body will be older, your cells will be older. You'll be closer to physical death than you've ever been before. An hour from now, you'll be closer to death. A minute from now. A second.

So do the good you can while you can!


For those who feel discomfited by my statements about death, here's an interesting something that's long been one of my personal poetic favorites:

Death is no fearsome mystery.
He is well known to thee and me.
He hath no secrets he can keep
to trouble any good man's sleep

Turn not thy face from Death away.
Care not he takes our breath away.
Fear him not, he's not thy master,
rushing at thee faster, faster.
Not thy master but servant to
the Maker of thee, what or Who
created death, created thee
--and is the only mystery.

--Dean Koontz
in "Hideaway"


Paul said...

Oh bother! After reading that post I have realized I get older with each key-stroke I take...I am older now than I was at "Oh Bother." With each stroke I get closer to carpal tunnel syndrome. Eh, it's a depressing thing to dwell on, so I won't. I think it's time to go do some rock climbing with my youthful body. Have a good day cous.

thegermanygirl said...

You too, sweetie! Hope you had fun rock climbing.