Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy early New Year!!!

My final post for 2005. How weird is that?!? ;o)

This is about 6 hours and 15 minutes early where I am, but...

HAPPY NEW YEAR, everyone!!!!!!

Have fun tonight, stay safe, don't do anything dumb...

...but most importantly, my hope for all of you (and me) is that you (and I) will make 2006 the best year yet. Let's become better people than we were the year before...people more dedicated to serving others instead of our own interests; and for those of us who belong to Jesus Christ, let's become Christians more dedicated to serving God than to serving ourselves. Let's develop a deeper understanding of Christ's death for our sins; let's grow ever more intimate with our Father in heaven so that we can be more vulnerable to him and allow his Holy Spirit to change us fundamentally into the people he wants us to become.

Let's focus on making our relationship with God the single most important function of our existence.

Love to all,


Paul said...

Amen, happy new year cous.

thegermanygirl said...

Love ya,