Monday, September 12, 2005

Courtney on the web

Credit where credit is due, I got this idea from my Honorable friend Patricia. ;o) I typed my name into Google. What follows is my Top Ten List of Google Items Related To My Name. Google yourself and see what you come up with!

Courtney, Googled

1. Courtney…protected under United States and International Copyright Laws.
No cloning, please. I'm ticklish.
2. Courtney plays jazz in the UK.
Yes…I’m really wicked on the tenor sax.
3. Courtney…gives seminars on EMF Balancing Technique an energy system designed to work with the "Phoenix Factor", a model of the human energy anatomy.
Did you know I’m one of the original Ghostbusters?
4. On Motorsport Images, Courtney covers rallying in Ireland.
This is on the weekends, when I’m not toting my saxophone around the United Kingdom.
5. Courtney wants to talk about piracy and music.
Arrr, matey…what be them sweet notes you be singin’ thar, ye yellow-livered landlubber?!
6. Perhaps you are looking for Courtney?
Oh, I found me a long time ago. But if anyone else is looking for me, please let me know.
7. Courtney is in the second half of her weight loss journey.
The first half must’ve been rough…I seem to have blocked it from memory.
8. Courtney often engages in scandals and obscene actions.
The truth comes out…that’s just the kind of girl I am.
9. The company must just know that Courtney is a hussy.
I think I read a memo on that.
10. Gabriel is a SATAN detector, similar to Courtney.
That’s much better! Even archangels are compared to me. ;o)


Anonymous said...

you are hilarious. i miss you! i'm going to google myself... that sounds kinda weird/gross.
love, mandy :)

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! You really do have a busy life!

thegermanygirl said...

Mandy: Yeah, "google" as a verb just doesn't sound quite right. But that's okay, since we're both pervs. ;o) I miss you, too!!!

Patricia: And that was only the top ten--you should've seen the rest of the list! ;o)