(I wrote this on August 5th but hadn't posted it yet because I couldn't get the picture to upload. *sigh* Sometimes, computers are a true bane of my existence.)
In honor of all the quizzes that are popular in this, the Information Age, I bring you this quiz that I just made up on my own, because I wanted to.
1. Mel Gibson. This whole DUI/Antisemite thing of his: What is the man thinking? First of all, he is WAY old enough to know better. About the DUI *and* about the Antisemitism. There's just no excuse for such childishness. Second and frankly, he's making God and Christianity look bad. And lest anyone accuse me of being judgmental: Yes, I sin. Yes, I make stupid mistakes. I'm no paragon of virtue, I'll readily admit. BUT, by touting his film "The Passion" as a tool for teaching others about Jesus, Gibson has set himself up as a teacher of God's truth. It seems to me that he has forgotten what James 3:1 has to say about that.
Mr. Gibson, shame on you.
2. splash! Long story short: splash! is the biggest hip-hop festival in Europe or something like that, and it's held in Chemnitz every summer. I don't care for the hip-hop genre in the least...however, if people want to listen to it, that's their business. BUT! This 4-day, so-called "music" festival takes place at a lake about two miles from my apartment building. Which means: Our street and local grocery store are daily filled with individuals of a rather unsavory persuasion who not only act as though they own everything, but also leave their trash *everywhere*. Our street is starting to look like a dump. Plus, after the festivel is over, it takes the city over a week to clean up the lake and its surroundings, because the partyers leave their trash (garbage, lawn chairs, tents, everything) all over the whole area.
Also, there's the noise level: I'm currently sitting in my bedroom with the windows closed, and I can hear the thumpa-thumpa-boom as though it's right in the room with me. Did I mention it's two miles away?
Gah. :-P
3. PMS. And I don't think anyone wants any more details than that! I'm certainly not gonna provide any.
1. Karen's birthday! Today was Frau's birthday, and a great time was had by all! Today's theme words were coffee, cake, and karaoke...a stupendous combination, I daresay! ;o)

Thanks for letting us spend the day with you, Karen! Happy Birthday!
2. Poetry. I have written 15 poems this year already, which is twice the number that I wrote last year. Yeah, yeah, I know, I need to be working on my novel, not writing poetry. Well, I can't help it. The words are there, they've gotta come out! ;o) Since I've been so prolific lately, and since I think my poetry is maturing somewhat, I'm thinking seriously about looking into publishing. I have no idea how to go about it; the only publishing I've researched has been in regard to novels. Poetry is a whole new area for me. So I might be re-visiting this topic sometime soon, after I have more info.
3. Michelle. Last but not least, Michelle is a free online game I found out about from the game's programmer, who also plays chess at Chessworld (see link at right somewhere). It's a strategy game, the object of which is to eliminate all the yellow dots from the playing grid. It took me a couple of rounds on the "Easy Peasy" level to get the hang of it, but now I'm up to "Pretty Tricky." This is the kind of game that *is* pretty tricky for me, because my brain doesn't automatically work that way! So it's a good challenge.
I highly recommend this game--it's a lot of fun!--but be forewarned: Michelle is addictive!
Well, I guess that's all for now. That's "all"--it's good and plenty, as far as I'm concerned! ;o)